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HomeChecking Accounts

Checking Accounts

Regular Checking

Our free checking account has no hidden charges. What’s more, you earn dividends on your entire checking account balance! ListerCU checking includes the following features:

  • No monthly fees
  • No minimum balance
  • Dividend earning on all balances
  • FREE Bill Pay
  • Your first box of ListerCU custom checks is FREE! (upon your request)
  • No minimum to earn dividends
  • Online Banking and Mobile Banking
  • Mobile Deposit
  • VISA Debit Card
  • Real Time Alerts™

Add a new account? Log in to Online Banking

Have questions? Give us a call at 800-232-1226

High Yield eChecking

With our High Yield eChecking, you get all the benefits of our regular checking account listed, but earn a higher dividend. All you have to do is agree to opt in to receive your statements and disclosures electronically instead of by mail.

Start earning higher dividends with no minimum balance requirement today!

  • No monthly fees
  • No minimum balance
  • Dividend earning on all balances
  • FREE Bill Pay
  • Your first box of FAFCU custom checks is FREE! (upon your request)
  • No minimum to earn dividends
  • Online Banking and Mobile Banking
  • Mobile Deposit
  • VISA Debit Card
  • Real Time Alerts™

Add a new account? Log in to Online Banking and navigate to Accounts. Then click on Open Deposit Account, select the banner for Checking and Select High Yield eChecking. Complete steps one and two and once the disclosure is accepted, ListerCU will open your new High Yield eChecking (S7) or transfer your existing Regular Checking account(s) within one business day. Maximum three accounts per member.

Have questions? Give us a call at 800-232-1226

Overdraft Protection 

ListerCU is pleased to provide our members with protection against the occasional overdraft. Our Overdraft Protection services are available for the payment of checks (drafts), preauthorized payments under our Bill Payment Service, and ACH drafts and debits. ATM transactions and one-time debit card transactions are not included.

ListerCU offers three overdraft options:

  1. Overdraft Transfer Service1
    Transferring available funds from another ListerCU deposit account to cover the overdraft amount
  2. Using your ListerCU Visa® Credit Card2
    Transferring available funds from your FAFCU Visa® Credit Card account to cover the overdraft amount
  3. Courtesy Pay: 
    Your overdraft may be paid by the Credit Union. The amount must be re-paid and a Courtesy Pay Fee will be assessed. For fee information, please see our Schedule of Fees and Charges. There are restrictions and eligibility criteria for Courtesy Pay, which is largely based on the responsible management of an ListerCU checking account. For information, please see our Deposit Account Agreement And Truth-in-Savings Disclosure.

We use the Available Balance method for our Overdraft Protection service. For details about this as well as how we sequence checks presented for payment, and how we handle authorization holds, please see our Deposit Account Agreement And Truth-in-Savings Disclosure.   

Overdraft Protection can be a great help and offer peace-of-mind. For more information about ListerCU Overdraft Protection services, please see our Deposit Account Agreement And Truth-in-Savings Disclosure

To set it up your accounts with overdraft protection, please call 800-232-1226. And to apply for a low rate Lister Visa Credit Card, go to Online Banking, navigate to Accounts and select Loan Application.

1ListerCU does not charge a fee for this transaction.
2This option is considered a cash advance and interest will accrue immediately.


To qualify for an 

ListerCU checking account, you must be a member of Lister Credit Union and have a Regular Share Account with a minimum $5 deposit. Other terms and conditions apply.

High Yield eChecking subject to qualifications.